Dreams Fulfilled... Fears Introduced

This has been a big year for me when it comes to dreams fulfilled! I still can’t believe I shot my first wedding as the official photographer. Surrounding that big day, my free days were filled with lots of portraits, engagement shoots, graduations, family photos, newborn sessions, sports promos, and a ton of videos. I’ve loved every moment! ...well mostly every moment. This still feels like a fairytale in which somehow I landed an incredible role. While it’s been exciting and fun, it has come with its fair share of fears as well. There are times where I still can’t help but feel like this is all just to “try it out,” or where I’m fighting doubts of “you can’t really be the one doing this”… “you aren’t a real photographer”, “you’re just getting to play!” I think a lot of that stems from our natural self-doubt as humans, and even just the nerves that arise with a big occasion where there’s pressure to perform well, particularly on someone’s behalf. The bright spots in those moments of fear and doubt have been the opportunity to lean on the support and encouragement of close friends and confidants, or clients who unknowingly reassure me with a reminder that a moment I captured was exactly what they wanted to keep and remember for a lifetime. It seems to always come as a gentle yet simultaneously strong reminder like that of Esther 4:14- “perhaps this is the moment for which you were created.”

When I set aside the fear and uncertainty that comes with this new pursuit, what’s left is gratitude. Being able to serve someone in their most special moments and milestones has been among my greatest honors and joys in life. And for this reason, I’m choosing to press through doubt as I persevere. I want to finish the back-half of this year with the same mindset in which I started the first: “2018: a year of courage in pursuit of this dream.” ♥️


Enjoy a few highlights from this half of 2018!

Sarah Dey