Perseverance Has a Name: Alexia

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” – Pele

Earlier this summer, I had the pleasure of meeting and working with the youngest athlete to ever verbally commit to a university in any sport. The name behind that impressive description, is Alexia Carrasquillo. This young athlete is talented, passionate, mature, well-spoken, brave, and determined. I can personally attest that the sports hype over Alexia is not unwarranted. She truly is extraordinary, but in more ways than just her athletic talent. The mentality behind this young woman's work is beyond inspiring- while most kids her age sleep in as late as possible before school, rolling out of bed to head to class in a daze, Alexia is completing morning workouts to become better and stronger every day. She then goes to school and is back at it again in the afternoons, always willing and wanting to learn more. You can tell she does it from a place of genuine desire to grow and improve as an athlete, rather than obligation. The best part? She loves what she's doing and always has a smile on her face.

I loved my time shooting sports portraits with Alexia and her parents- there was no shortage of softball talk, and we began what is already a sweet relationship tied together by a common thread: we deeply believe in Alexia. (… and yes, also that we LOVE Gator Softball.) I can't wait to see where the future takes her, both in softball and beyond. This amazing girl has talent beyond just the field, which is perhaps the most valuable thing anyone can have- good character. And at only 12 years old, she truly does have beautiful, joyful, solid, character. I believe it will take her far in life as she impacts many people along the way.

Alexia, best of luck to you, my favorite little softball stud! I'll be cheering you on all the way and can't wait to watch you play at KSP one day. As always, Go Gators!

Sarah DeySoftball, Sports, Gators