Great Lives Require Great Preparation
Great lives really do require great preparation.
And great diligence. Great commitment. Great passion. Great communication. Great tenacity. Great integrity. And great lives require great leaders.
The greatest leadership I’ve ever experienced firsthand was during an Internship I participated in, in Gainesville, Florida. The Greenhouse Internship, as it existed under the leadership of Eric Dinius of Greenhouse Church, began in 2013 as an 11-month program dedicated to helping young adults build a foundation of faith in Jesus, and discipline in preparing for the future. In 6 years of this program, Eric led 87 full-time interns with various focuses such as global missions, youth and kids ministry, college campus outreach, admin and operations, church planting, technology and production, local outreach, and several others. Regardless of class year or focus, there’s a mutual feeling among Greenhouse Internship graduates: this program changed their hearts and lives forever. The other common thread woven throughout the stories of these 87 interns, is made of admiration, honor, and love for Eric- a great leader who has helped prepare many great lives. He led all of us over 6 years with an abundance of grace and patience through his unique balance of gentleness and strength, discipline and compassion, peace and passion. In light of this weekend’s graduation of the program’s final class before transitioning to the Greenhouse School of Ministry , I wanted to share some photos of the 2019 graduates from this incredible program, of which I feel so grateful to have been a part.
2019 Greenhouse Interns, led by Eric Dinius
These faces represent many different stories; they come from different places, some near and some far- they have different families, some big and some small, some broken and some whole- they have different passions, different struggles, different talents, different callings, different personalities. Though this sounds like it would make unity difficult if not impossible, these interns have become family. I’ve seen this family phenomenon happen year after year in this program- people who come together beginning as strangers, but through faith, hope, and love, end as each other’s confidants and biggest support systems.
Greenhouse Interns: Class of 2019
Family is only part of the legacy of the Greenhouse Internship- the many lives changed and leaders built certainly speak for themselves. The deep impact left on each intern is not something that can or will be soon forgotten; and though that impact has often been described as difficult to fully convey, the following thoughts help paint a more full picture:
The Internship allowed me to see things in myself that I never saw before. It set a deep foundation that has enabled me to do all God has called me to do and I’m eternally grateful for that year. -Class of 2014 Graduate
My biggest takeaway from the internship was that small actions over time add up. There’s so much to say about consistency and what it can give you if you are disciplined enough to choose it. -Class of 2016 Graduate
I am truly not the same person today that I was before this program. I no longer settle for living in fear and shame, and I know the power of pursuing wholeness in spirit, mind, and body. The relationships I made during this program have been nothing short of life-changing and even saving at times. Eric’s leadership in these areas has reshaped how I live, think, worship, and relate to others. - Class of 2015 Graduate
The Internship helped me walk into the identity that Jesus has given me and not what the world says about me. I have become confident in the person God has created me to be, walking into the plans that He has predestined for me. -Class of 2019 Graduate
I found firsthand that authentic community really does change lives. -Class of 2015 Graduate
As someone who once didn’t trust the church, men, or deep friendships, the internship offered a space where it was consistently safe to be convicted - yet redeemed, corrected - yet affirmed, disciplined - yet encouraged, exposed - yet wanted, taught - yet heard, and known - yet loved. The exposure to the truth of unreached people groups and the lack of effort to share the gospel where it has never been shared set me on a path to pursue for the rest of my life. Without the internship and Jesus at work in Eric Dinius, I don’t know who I would be. -Class of 2016 Graduate
This internship was a big game changer for m- it taught me the difference between religion and the Gospel. The internship gave me a safe place to break down the walls of my false self and build a foundation of my true identity in Christ! -Class of 2018 Graduate
Setting aside a year of my life for God was one of the best decisions of my life. I thought I was doing it to obtain practical ministry experience but what I left with was a better understanding of how my Heavenly Father views me and this world. I’ll follow the Lord anywhere He calls me because I know that I can trust Him. -Class of 2016 Graduate
The Internship impact and legacy are well-loved and well-celebrated. So, to the joyful and wonderful class of 2019, congratulations! Welcome to the Alumni side, we’re happy you’re in the fam.
And to our very great leader, we love you Eric. We honor you. We’re thankful for you. We are different and new because of you. And we are so proud of you- of your impact and legacy and everything you are. Thanks for saying yes to Jesus and to His great call on your life- and for letting us be a part of it. If any of our lives can be called great one day, know that in addition to the grace of God, it will be due in large part to great preparation by a very great leader.