Women of my Workplace
On a day where we see and hear about women celebrated for strength, contribution, success, motherhood, shattering glass ceilings, empowerment, defining beauty, and more, I’ve been inspired to reflect on some of the women with whom I interact every day in my office.
These faces represent stories of resilience, beauty, and depth beyond what a mere photo can express. Each of these photos alone contain a lifetime of stories. They are daughters, mothers, wives, and sisters. They’ve raised younger siblings and cared for aging parents. They are cancer survivors. They are immigrants. First generation students. Leaders. Writers. Creatives. Managers. Athletes. Foster parents. Academics. Entrepreneurs. They proudly bring to our office the tradition and energy of their cultures; Cuba and Germany, Puerto Rico and Colombia, New York and Jamaica, St. Lucia, Ecuador, Italy, Miami, Haiti, the list goes on. Our unique mix of cultures and backgrounds brings life to our workplace. Though some of the mostly lively women you’ll ever met, they’ve walked through valleys of grief that no one should ever have to traverse. They’ve lost parents and spouses. They’ve lost children. They’ve endured unbelievable pain. But then like the light that surely dawns at the end of a dark and stormy night, these women have beautifully soared in triumph.
But they never soar alone. They bring other women with them, showing them the way. They teach, mentor, coach, and guide. And they always learn. They don’t just get stronger for their own benefit and keep it stored away, but they show the next woman how to build even more strength for herself. How to find and use her voice. How to learn from mistakes. How to heal and grow. How to walk in the humble confidence that shines forth when she knows her worth, and how to set up her future generations to do the same.
“I am thankful for my struggle because, without it, I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength." Alex Elle
When I look at these faces, I see strong women defined. I see hope stemming from broken pasts, breaking open into beautiful futures. I see pure gold filling in the cracks of broken shards to make a strong, captivating final piece like kintsugi. I see leaders of homes who set new precedents for what it means to thrive as a family. I see resolve. I see trauma healed. I see selflessness. I see problem solvers. I see sacrifice. I see raw emotion; not as weakness, but as a chief contributor of strength. I see passion. I see tenacity. I see potential for sky-high success and real achievement. I see voices that will surely be used to make a lasting impression on our world. I see real beauty. I see life.
I see: the women of my workplace, whom I deeply admire, love, and will celebrate not just today, but always. Happy International Women’s Day.