Dust to Diamonds, Personified

“In the wake of every heartache
In the depth of every fear
There were diamonds, diamonds
Waiting to break out of here.

All your curses will surrender
Every damning word will kneel
They're just mountains, mountains
About to turn into fields.

We're the fire, from the sun
We're the light when the day is done
We are the brave, the chosen ones
We're the diamonds, diamonds
Rising up out the dust.”

Sometimes a person’s life deeply, perfectly, and beautifully embodies a song- an anthem like this one. Meet Aldreka; my beautiful, fierce, and strong friend. She has watched the highest mountains turn into wide open fields of opportunity and success. She has seen damning words overturned. She has fought for light when the darkness of another day was overwhelming, sometimes crippling. She is brave because she knows she’s chosen. She is honest because she knows the power of truth. She is strong because she’s never given up. She is a caregiver because she sees the value of a human heart. Fiery like the sun. Aldreka is truly a diamond, rising up out the dust. She has and continues to rise from dust. 

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Aldreka fights for women and minorities. For mental and emotional health for all. She recently graduated with a Master’s Degree in Counseling, and she did it all while working full time, being there for her people, and always investing in her community. She gives herself for children and families. The ones no one else will give a second look. The ones other people aren’t brave enough to believe in, to believe with. She loves her family and friends with deep loyalty.  She loves herself and her story with courageous abandon. She mentors women from all walks of life, showing them what it looks like to “grow up” well and to be women of integrity. She shows by example how to gracefully walk the line of joy and sorrow, sometimes all in one breath. She is sister, mama bear, teacher, friend, strong shoulder, and any other role you need in a given moment.

I wish you could all know this diamond. Our world would surely be better off with more Aldrekas in it.

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Aldreka, Dreek, Ms. Everett, dreka, Aunt Dee Dee, or one of the other hundred names your loving friends, family, and fans may call you, a very happy and belated congratulations on such an important, exciting, beautiful accomplishment. This degree is every bit deserved, another diamond from the dust. Use it to continue changing and developing lives for the better. Use it to continue loving people. To show them worth and value and the light of life, and how anyone can can rise up to be a diamond, no matter how dark the dust. Just like you’ve done, are, and forever will be. Whatever dust comes your way, whatever mountains or words arise to obstruct your dreams, your vision, your joy, your comfort; may you forever continue to beautifully shine as you rise up out the dust, a whole, complete, unblemished, strong and perfect . . .

d i a m o n d .

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Sarah Dey